About Lesson
Under this section you will be able to view and edit all of your courses.
- To add a new course click the ‘add new course’ button. (this will not work if you are not a registered instructor).
- To start building your new course you will enter a title and then you will need to change the slug (this is the text that will be on the URL and link after the Omnixperts.com).
- Next you can add the text for the course, this will be the content that people will see before going into the first lesson, then add a featured image.
- Next is the course settings, this is where you can set certain aspects for the course. You can also set up if you would like a content drip. A content drip is where the content is only avalable after certain events, such as enough time passing or the completion of another course. This means that you can have scheduled courses come out weekly for example.
- This next section is how you would like to sell the course. If you want to have the course shared within groups select free (for example, if you were running a subscription service where the group members received new courses through the group). Or you can chose paid and this will create the course as a product that you will be able to edit and upload through the store managers’ product page.
- You can add course thumbnail next. After that you can chose to add a video if you wish (there is a limit on video size).
- Next is the course builder, this is where you can add your topics and lessons (topics are the wider areas and lessons are the course pages). You can also add quizzes and assignments in this section.
- You can also set which instructors you want to be able to access and lead the course.
- There is also a section to add any course attatchments, such as reading materials or additional documents for the students.
- The next section are the aditional settings for the course, all of these are optional. They include time restraint options.
- Finally you can chose if you would like the student to receive a certificate on completion of the course.