Members Guide
    About Lesson

    When you create a product you will have the option to create a group for the product. You and any customer of this product will be automatically entered. Also if you have any staff they should be in these groups as well, starting off as members.



    • Inside of your group you will see a few tabs to help you view and manage it, the second of which ‘Members’ allows you to view all of the members of the group.
    • The third tab ‘Feed’ shows you the feed, this is all of the live activity in the group, such as last messages and allows you to make a post in the group as well.
    • The next two tabs are for ‘Photos’ and ‘Videos’, these allow you to view and add all images and video files that have been posted in the group.
    • The next tab ‘Albums’ allows you to create albums in your group if you wanted to have an organized collection of images or videos that members can look through.
    • The following tab ‘Documents’ is for any documentation, this can be documents submitted by members, staff or yourselves.
    • The next tab ‘Send Messages’ allows you to start messages directly with other members of the group, these messages will also appear in the messages box at the top of your page.
    • There will also be a ‘Zoom’ tab that will show up once you have set up zoom through the manage tab. This tab will allow you to set up meetings for the group that all members will be invited too.
    • The first tab ‘Manage’ allows you to look through and edit all of the settings within your group as well as the group visuals. These are:


    • The first section ‘Settings’ you can change are the privacy options, these include what form of group it is, the invitations policy, who is allowed to post, and who is allowed to post media etc. You can also select the group type (this is the basis of what the group will be focused on) and the group parent (the group parent is to allow you to select another group pr product to link to if you wish).
    • The next two sections ‘Photo’ and ‘Cover Photo’ allow you to choose a group image as well as a group cover image.
    • The next section ‘Members’ allows you to control your members, this means you can promote people to moderators or co-organisers. Or if you need to you can also demote or ban people as well.
    • The following section ‘Forum’ allows you to set up a forum where members can ask questions and communicate in a structured bulletin-board style fashion.
    • The next section ‘Zoom’ allows you to link a zoom account for any meetings or webinars for the group (This has to be done if you want any Zoom connections or products in your store, this also works with a free zoom account).
    • Next is the ‘Courses’ tab, in this tab you can add existing courses of your own to the group to share with the members.
    • The final setting is there if you wish to delete you group.