About Lesson
- Quizzes can be added to topics in the course builder, from there you can build these quizzes. We can start off by clicking ‘add quiz’ then entering the basic details.
- Then go the builder, this is where you can add the questions by clicking on the ‘add question’ button, which will take you to the question builder.
- Here in the question builder you can add the question itself.
- Then choose your type of question by clicking on the question type and a selection grid will appear.
- Under this there are a few settings on how you want the question to function.
- You can have the question be worth a certain amount of points and have different answers equal to different points.
- After this you can set up the question description and the answers.
- You can also create your own messages that pop up when the question is answered correctly or incorrectly, possibly giving the correct answer and an explanation.
- Finally you can set up the quiz settings in which you can set things such as time limits, how many avalable attempts and pass grades.
- Further than that there are also a number of advanced options for how you would like the questions in the quiz to be ordered and their layouts.